Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Its been a while since I updated this with everything that has been going on.  As lot has happened since then so to be honest I don't remember much of the flying visit through Lima.  We did get a tour around one of the archaeological sites in Lima.  It was pretty interesting as it was very different from things like Machu Pichu.  They made earthquake proof temples out of mud bricks.  When they originally tried to reconstruct it, all the pieces they reconstructed fell down at the first tremor and they original stuff was all still fine.  They seemed to know what they were doing.  There are quite a few sites in Lima itself, its quite the old town.  Brian also went swimming on the beach to take him a step closer to swimming in all 7 seas.  He said it was the dirtiest, most uncomfortable sea he has ever swam in.  It was viciously rocky as well.  I'm glad I decided to forgo a swim that day.  It might have been because that beach was near enough to the centre of a massive city that it was so dirty.  The bright point of the beach was that for less than a euro we got an amazing sandwich.  It was a bap or big bun which plain shredded chicken.  As a topping I got ketchup, mustard and shredded crisps.  It was amazing.  Brian got mayonasse on his and said it was also amazing.  We went to a cocktail bar that night and spent the night talking to a business man named Keith and a Peruvian guy he works with who was introduced very quickly to us.  We had a few Pisco based cocktails.  Pisco is the traditional spirit of Peru (if you ignore the fact Chile is trying to get a court case to say its theirs, Peru has a lot more going for it to say they had it first).

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